Friends of Whitefish Dunes DDC Challenge Fund
Native Americans inhabited the area that is now Whitefish Dunes State Park for centuries before Europeans arrived. Archaeological excavation in the park has revealed a succession of different native cultures.
The friends of Whitefish Dunes State Park would like to create an outdoor educational exhibit representing the Oneota culture (900–1600 A.D.). Split Rock Studios, a renowned museum design group, has produced a potential design on how the exhibit might be constructed. The Friends are collaborating with a Ho Chunk tribal representative to get their input into this design.
The potential structures in the exhibit will be constructed out of durable manufactured materials that withstand the harsh elements near Lake Michigan. Park visitors will be able to walk through the structures to learn about the daily activities and culture of these First Peoples. A campfire ring may be incorporated for Pow Wows by Native American groups.
Please help us reach our $50,000 goal for this project that will portray our rich Native heritage.