DOOR CANcer Fund
(920) 743-8492
DOOR CANcer, Inc. is a community based charitable organization dedicated to helping Door County residents with financial needs during treatment for cancer. It strives to make life a little easier for families who are living with cancer by offering financial assistance with the costs of everyday living. While DOOR CANcer does not pay medical bills or cover prescription drugs, the organization will assist families with rent or mortgage payments, insurance premiums, transportation and lodging costs related to treatment, utility bills, food for the family and other non-medical expenses as determined appropriate. DOOR CANcer does not employ any staff – all time is donated.
Recipients must reside in Door County and be in active treatment for cancer. Generally, no funds are awarded directly to the applicant. Payment coupons or account numbers must be provided to DOOR CANcer and payment will be made directly to the company or vendor owed.